
Get 2023 vision for food and nutritution

Growing awareness of nutritional gaps! Nutritional gaps refer to the difference between the levels of nutrients the average person is obtaining from food and nutrients identified through research as needed for optimal health in the population. The global burden of Disease report tracked consumption trends of 15 dietary factors in 195 countries between 1990 and 2017. It was concluded that a massive one in five deaths is associated with poor diets. A diet lacking in whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds, omega-3 fatty acids, and contain too much salt. high sugar beverages consumption of processed fats was implicated.

Hidden hunger! This term was used initially to describe inadequacies and deficiencies of vital vitamins and minerals affecting primarily regions of the world affected by poor food availability. The top 11 nutrient inadequacies in the US were listed as potassium, choline, magnesium, calcium, folate, fiber, vitamins A, C, D, E, and K.

“Today’s typical diet fails to provide the vitamins and essential minerals we need to live productively… the current food system is high in calories, but low in nutritional value, making it nearly impossible to get all the nutrients you need from food alone”. Dr. Jeffrey Blumberg, professor at Tufts University

In Kenya, hidden hunger is increasingly becoming a problem. It is becoming common to find newborns who are too weak. Nearly 1/3 of Kenyans are nutrient deficient in childhood, undernutrition in childhood costs African economies as much as 16.5% of their gross domestic product. A survey of hidden hunger by Sight and Life published by the online journal Plos One in June 2013 showed 40% of children were estimated to be stunted and zinc deficient 30% were anemic due to iron deficiency half were vitamin A deficient leading to ill health disability or early death. Kenya ranked second in the world. Though these statistics are old it gives a picture of the problem of hidden hunger in Kenya.

Overprocessed food may be damaging our health! the trend is to return to “real foods” or minimally processed foods. An unprocessed food is one that is found in its whole form or may fall under the category of minimally processed such as dried fruit. There is a need to increase food supplementation to fill the nutritional gaps!

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