
My Sister’s PCOS Journey: Navigating Life with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, affects millions of women worldwide, and my sister is one of them. In this blog, I want to share her inspiring journey, shedding light on the challenges she has faced and the strategies she’s employed to lead a fulfilling life despite PCOS. Whether you’re someone with PCOS, a loved one looking to understand more, or just curious about this condition, we hope this story can provide valuable insights.

Meet My Sister

My sister, Tabby, was diagnosed with PCOS in January, 2023. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects the ovaries, causing a range of symptoms such as irregular periods, weight gain, acne, and fertility issues. At the time of her diagnosis, Tabby was struggling with various unexplained health issues, and PCOS provided some much-needed clarity.

Tabby’s PCOS Journey

Tabby’s PCOS journey has been marked by resilience and determination. She didn’t let the diagnosis define her but rather used it as a catalyst for change. Here’s a glimpse into her experience: last year in September she felt that she was ready to have her second baby. She decided to have her intrauterine device (IUD) removed. She chose this type of contraceptive because she knew once it is removed, conception is much faster than other types of contraceptives. She also didn’t want any hormonal contraceptives since she had had issues before with hormonal imbalance. However, this was not to be. After months of waiting in January this year she decided to see a doctor. The diagnosis: PCOS. She was shocked and confused. With the use of supplements she conceived three months after the diagnosis.

Symptoms and Challenges

PCOS brought a series of physical and emotional challenges into Tabby’s life. She faced irregular and painful periods, mood swings  and acne. Fertility concerns added an extra layer of stress. These challenges were not easy to overcome, but Tabby’s tenacity shone through.

Coping Strategies

Tabby decided to take control of her health. She made significant lifestyle changes, including adopting a balanced diet and incorporating regular exercise. These changes helped her manage her  hormone levels, improving her overall well-being.

Emotional and Mental Health

PCOS doesn’t just impact the body; it can take a toll on emotional and mental health as well. Tabby found solace in talking about the condition with me, where she could openly discuss her struggles and develop strategies to cope with anxiety.

Support and Resources

One of the most crucial aspects of Tabby’s journey was finding support. She found support from family. She has a supportive husband. As a sister I gave her as much support as I could, especially when she needed answers to the many questions in her mind.

Sharing Successes

Despite the obstacles, Tabby achieved several milestones in her journey. She successfully managed her symptoms, improved her emotional well-being, and even became an expectant mother, proving that PCOS does not have to define or limit a woman’s life.

Our Call to Action

We hope Tabby’s story serves as a source of inspiration and support for others with PCOS. If you or someone you know is dealing with PCOS, remember that you’re not alone. Seek out resources, connect with support groups, and never underestimate the power of determination and self-care.


PCOS is a challenging condition, but with the right support and strategies, it is possible to lead a fulfilling life. My sister Tabby’s journey is proof of that. We invite you to share this blog to spread awareness about PCOS and encourage others to share their stories. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by this condition.

My sister and I after a church service. My sister Tabby on the left.

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